Wednesday 1 November 2023

A return to folly (sic)

So I have decided to add another unit of infantry to my 40mm Homecast SYW-ish collection . It's been ages since I cast any figures up so this will be a nice change of pace . I've been cleaning up some of the castings and adding a couple of vents to one of the molds which wasn't casting properly . 

It will be a company of the Volontaires Estranger, a unit of French Light Infantry with rather acttractive green facings . The molds are a selection by Prince August. I hope to get the other castings done in the coming week.



  1. Very nice figures Tony! They'll look great in the uniform that you've chosen!

  2. Ah- nothing like a good bit of Home Casting done- they'll paint up nicely Tony. Cheers. KEV.

  3. I have a feeling that Santa will bring me the new SYW Highlander moulds, would be handy for my Quebec campaign this winter.

  4. Nice choice of unit, a rather fetching uniform and light infantry are always handy to have around!
