Sunday 29 August 2021
A flight of fancy , The Adventures of the Walkers No.1
Thursday 26 August 2021
A Secrete Conspiracye .
Tuesday 24 August 2021
Oops ! I'd forgotten these ....
Friday 20 August 2021
Colonele Danby writes a letter ...
I was lucky enough to see some of Col. Danby's original correspondence when I visited The University of Felpersham and am indebted to Miss Goodbody in helping me decipher the text , his writing is at times almost illegible and strangely spelt with very little punctuation... .
'I have the honore of reporting to my Lordes of the recent engagement on ye --------- we were marching to tare down ye Papist fortiphcations at Loxly Barret when our rightious waye was bloked by a suppirior force of the enemie We bravely engaged them our Dragoones causing their Horse to quit the field on the righte the enemie horse got amongs our shote on the righte but were bravely driven off the enemies pike rushed our lines but our shote played heavely upon them and casting downe there pike they flede the field abandonde thuse the rest of ther force lefte leaving the fielde of Honore to myselfe . One prisonere wetooke says the army was ccommanded by the malcontente ---- Pargetter Sire B---- Alderige being absente - whecence this devil is I now note - but up to GREATE mischefe I feare - I will continue my marche to tare downe the ediphices of popery ..
I have the Honore to serve youe furter
Colonele Danbie'
It is interesting to get a first hand account of the action although some what misleading as both forces were similar in size . It is assumed this letter (this being a copy) was sent to Parliament in London , I hope to find out what Sir Brianne Alderidge has been up to soon .....
(My thanks once again to the staff of TUF records department)
Wednesday 18 August 2021
I've been to ........