I bought these off eBay (rather cheaply I think) they are Britains Greek Evzones from Set No.196 and the where produced from 1916 to 1966 - BUT these must be pre 1946 as they are red jackets - after this date they where painted in blue jackets . So that makes them at least 79 years old !
As you can see they have been in the wars , as well as the inevitable paint loss they have holes in the stomach area .
And a couple have holes in the back as well , I investigated and this seem to be dues to a very thin layer of metal (being hollow cast of course)
One has a missing rifle as well . The dilemma is to repair or not ? , 'Proper Collectors' would say "No !" you devalue the figures ! , however I would like to use them on the tabletop- so I'm going to have a go at repairing them !
So I've packed the holes with tissue paper and filled them with 'milliput' , I repaired the rifle with a pared down cocktail stick coated in super glue . I will repaint the damaged bits but I think I will not touch up the original paint - leaving their battle scars as testament to their service over the years . Too be continued ......