Wednesday, 5 February 2025

To repair or not to repair ? - that is the question.


I bought these off eBay (rather cheaply I think) they are Britains Greek Evzones from Set No.196 and the where produced from 1916 to 1966 - BUT these must be pre 1946 as they are red jackets - after this date they where painted in blue jackets . So that makes them at least 79 years old ! 

As you can see they have been in the wars , as well as the inevitable paint loss they have holes in the stomach area .

And a couple have holes in the back as well , I investigated and this seem to be dues to a very thin layer of metal (being hollow cast of course) 

One has a missing rifle as well . The dilemma is to repair or not ? , 'Proper Collectors' would say "No !" you devalue the figures ! , however I would like to use them on the tabletop- so I'm going to have a go at repairing them !

So I've packed the holes with tissue paper and filled them with 'milliput' , I repaired the rifle with a pared down cocktail stick coated in super glue . I will repaint the damaged bits but I think I will not touch up the original paint - leaving their battle scars as testament to their service over the years . Too be continued ...... 


Saturday, 1 February 2025

The annual pilgrimage to the local Model Railway show.


This weekend was the annual Model Railway show, I was surprised that when I turned up at lunch time I still had to queue to get in ! , it was well attended - a lot of grey haired older men . but a lot of families with small children which was nice to see.

Once again I was taken by the scenery as much as the model trains .

A herd of cows , those hedgerows look so realistic !

This layout had a film studio as a theme .

The cars in the carpark even moved about ! 

Look at that water feature ! - so realistic !

I did take the occasional photo of the actual trains as well .

The chute actually tipped gravel into the trucks .

These diesel motors remind me of our local railway as a child.

Most of the layouts had miniature lighting systems - micro technology at it's best !

Those cliffs cry out to be scaled by a team of WW2 Commandos .

Love this rural scene .

Oh dear a funeral at the local church - wonder you passed away ?

I came away feeling enthused by the positivity of the whole show , I know it isn't wargaming but it is a close cousin and I enjoy it immensely ! "a grand day out" ! 



Thursday, 30 January 2025

Yanitza 'La Jeanne D'Arc' of the Balkans.


I was browsing the Internet for Balkans war things and can across some illustrations of "Le Petit Journal" a French magazine which covered various stories on the war. I saw the above copy and thought  " I've got to make a model of this heroine"! 

I ordered some bits and pieces from Irregular's 40mm Homage range and produced the above figure as close as possible to the illustration in the magazine . The body is cantiniere , the head a nurse (I think?) and a rifle and sword . Here she is seen with of  her bodyguard in traditional dress, hopefully she will be appearing on the tabletop soon .......

PS Tringe Smajli - Wikipedia a bit more info on this woman .

Monday, 27 January 2025

The German Naval Attache - Redux.

Well I've got the German Naval Attache repainted and varnished after his brush with 'lead rot' .: The German Naval Attache goes down with 'lead rot' . and here he is being shown the new Sublime Porte's Machine Gun in a demonstration of it's firepower . If anything I think he looks better than he did before and I hope I've got the rot beaten once and for all .


Thursday, 23 January 2025

A wet day task .


Well I got the dog out early and just got back as the rain started - neither the dog or me are keen of the rain. These figures have been awaiting a varnish and I have bought a new tin , sadly not my usual brand - this one smells funny and takes ages to dry ! . The 54mm Zouaves are some I bought from eBay, three of which are quite old and I have decided only to based them and  not to repaint them . There is the German Naval Attache and another converted figure which I will tell of later ...... 

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Toy Soldiers in art No. 23


"'you'll have someone's eye out with that !". Found on the internet - the authour looks on as the younger generation open fire at point blank range - Ah ! the joys of playing unsupervised with real gunpowder and deadly projectiles  ! (back to my fortcoming battle report soon) (click on photo to enlarge)

Thursday, 16 January 2025

The plot thickens ........


Having viewed the Ancient ruins the party returns to their 'steam coach' to return to the hotel - when they are approached by a strange somewhat disheveled man* who introduces himself to Miss Marples and passes here a envolope containing a message for the local Helenyk Commander.

Miss Marples on returning to her hotel secretly meets the local Army Commander and passes on the message . What does it contain ? - all will be revealed in the next episode ..........
*some authorites think this might be Richard Hannay who was know to be active in the Balkans at this time.