Wednesday 5 November 2014

Neapolitan and Redshirt Reinforcements.

I am on a bit of a roll at the moment with my Garibaldi project , playing lots of games with them using Black Powder (which are working very well) and the good thing about the Sicilian campaign was that neither side had much cavalry . The Neapolitans may not have been the most dynamic military force but their uniforms are rather splendid ! . 

Here is a squadron of the 2nd Dragoon Regt. Regina (Queen's) being reviewed by the Neapolitan General Francesco Landi . This completes this army (well for the moment).

To balance this I've painted a unit of Italian volunteers to fight with Garibaldi . It's is a battalion of the Regt. Malenchini from Northern Italy . One of the sad facts of life is that not all of the volunteers wore red shirts and mostly grey/brown drab in various shades . Just read that probably only about a fifth of 'The Thousand' wore red shirts at the start of the campaign - but all mine do !. (cos they look prettier that way)

This then completes my force of Garibaldinni , my next army I think in this era will be a Papal Army - because the are cute and have Zouaves - what more could a wargamer want !?.


  1. Frankly Sir, I am afraid of what may occur if you do not build a Papal Army...

    1. Then of course I need a Piedmontese army to fight them !

  2. Excellent painting there.... well done for keeping the project going (more than I can ever do).

    1. I'm finding it easier as I get older (more mature !?) (think not !)

  3. Nice additions to your Garibaldi project; like the cavalry
