Tuesday 1 March 2022

"what we need is a great big melting pot* " !

So I've decided to move into the 21st century , it was going to be expensive to replace my gas bottle which fits onto the old camping stove that I have used for melting metal - my wife was not entirely happy with me using the cooker hob in the kitchen (even when told I was being 'super careful' ) . People have in the past pointed out the usefulness of these solder heaters sold by Prince August - so I got this one for about £30 - and it works very well indeed ! - rather pleased with it ! .

Other members of the household were equally pleased with the packaging - 'if it fits - I sits' ! .

First fruits ! another gun crew for 'Army Red' .

*Blue Mink I think ? 



  1. Blue Mink indeed it was, the PA pot is a good purchase, I bought one last year and very good it is too.

  2. They look splendid - how unreasonable of the Mrs not to let you have molten metal on the cooker!

    1. Yes I did say I was being careful ! , however matrimonial peace is restored by this new pot !

  3. "Use the right tool for the job" Took me decades to start paying attention to that old maxim and learn that its right.

  4. Good to see that you've updated your Melting Pot Tony - have fun there with the new castings. Cheers. KEV.

  5. Looks like it will do the job Tony! And you've made the cat and your wife so happy! Happy wife, happy life! Words to live by!

  6. The melty pot is a good bit of kit; I bought one to replace a single plate electric hot plate - using the melty pot has increased my casting speed.

    Nice to see your packaging up-cycled for use by the cat :)

    1. Yes I tried an electric hot plate but the thermostat kept cutting out - most annoying , this melt pot works very well .

  7. They are good - but not as effective as my old milk saucepan on the kitchen stove (but less grief from the missus)

    I use a 300W version which has a bit more oomph, a 100mm diameter pot and takes about 50% more lead.

    1. Seems to work well and less domestic issues .

    2. I suppose with the smaller diameter pot you don't
      need to melt as much metal to get the depth for the ladle.

    3. I only usually cast about 6-12 figures per session so it seem to be big enough for what I want .
