Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Actione on the Roade to Loxley Barrett .

Smarting from his reverse at Roserran in the Vale (Tin Soldiering On: The Bloodye Affraye at Roserran in the Vale (Parte The Second 'the actione growes hotte') ( Colonele Danby has reformed his forces and set off to level the Royalist fortifications near Loxley Barrett (Tin Soldiering On: 'The Greate Sconce' of Loxley Barrett . ( , unfortunately the enemy have been warned by a spy and he is met by an opposing force sitting across his route of marche .

The Royalist force is commanded by Captaine Nigel Pargetter ( Sir Brianne Alderidge being 'indisposed ?) - his first independent commande ! .

Colonele Danby deployes his force - the Musketeers and Pike in the centre , the Gunne and crew on the ridge and two units of Dragoones on the right .

The Royalist force likewise has deployed the Pike and Shoote in the centre , Pargetters Troope of Horse on the right and on the left a Troope of Horse sent by the Kinge from Oxforde to reinforce his influence in Borsetshire .

The Actione starts withe the Dragoones moving forward on the right as the Royalist Horse advances on both flanks .(please ignore the dice tray intruding on the scene )

The Royalist Horse continues it's advance as the Dragoones continue their flank movement . The game is being played using 'Pikeman's Lament' rules and an update will follow soon .....



  1. Dice tray? In this scale it a duck pond! Lovely set up.

    1. Ha ha! That was my first thought.

    2. I should have passed it off as a piece of terrain !

  2. Pared down gaming at its very best.

  3. Tony, I think its a very nice collection, very displayable.

  4. Excellent stuff.... looking forward to the sequel.

  5. Very Old School 54mm (1/32nd) Gaming there Tony- well done indeed!

  6. Those spies will foil your plans every time! Great looking game Tony, I can't wait to see the outcome!

  7. Nice setup, great game - a noble affraye

  8. This is a much bigger game than the last, it will be interesting to see how well the rules cope.

    1. Been busy painting , think the forces are 21 points each under 'Pikeman's Lament' , a standard game is I think 24 points .
