Monday 26 October 2020

Hold that Bandwagon - I want to climb aboard !

 I have been watching with growing interest the exploits of several blogs and their use of 54mm figures - Alan at The Duchy Of Tradgarland Ross at I have a moderate collection of 54mm figures - mainly homecast from Prince August toy soldier molds . These have been use only a few times a lack of terrain and rules being the problem .

However with the advent of 'A Gentlemans War' rules I think there is a case for getting them on the tabletop .

My armies were designed for a set of rules 'Funny Little Wars' which never really caught on . The are 'Red' Army (British) and 'Black Army' (German) they will take a bit of reorganisation and the casting up of a few more figures but I think I have enough for a couple of gameable armies .

No NOT a urine sample ! - but a damaged hollow cast cavalryman who will be turned into a mounted 'Black' Army Officer once he has emerged from his overnight bath of Dettol . In 50 years of painting I have never stripped a figure of old paint so I await the results with interest .
The Label for this post is '54mm Madness' - this comes from a comment many years ago by my wargaming collegue 'A' who referred to my dabblings in larger scale figures as my "54mm madness" * 

*I suspect following current trends he will say he 'miss spoke' or cry 'fake news' 


  1. Marvellous Tony...
    It must be something in the air...
    I too am seriously tempted to indulge in some 54mm wargaming..

    As well as to two links you mention I would also add...

    I may have to do something about this... buy some toys 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Yes I forgot about that blog , it's nostalgia season .

  2. Looking forward to seeing some classic, 54 mm wargaming on your blog. I too follow the blogs that you mention (and a couple of others); always a joy.
    A bloke at a club that I am an associate member of (as I used to live in the city but now 100 km distant) swears by dettol to remove paint, so I hope that yours goes well.
    Regards, James

  3. Don’t think it is whiskey and have a sip by mistake. The site Aly recommends is excellent and filled with 54mm delights! Have you thought of trying Ross McF’s rules from his blog? I use them and they are great fun. Smaller units but big fun.

    1. Don't think I'll mistake it for whisky the smell is quite pungent - it's very old Dettol found in the back of a cupboard .

  4. I thought for a second you had a stag beetle taking a bath in your single malt!

  5. Go on, just have to add a few, couldn't do any harm......

  6. 54mm does seem to be on the increase, doesn't it? Perhaps it's something to do with age? Eyesight and rock steady hands not being so necessary at this scale.

    1. Was wondering the same thing , 15mm are. A thing of the past I think.

  7. Are you dunking the figure in whiskey. I’m all in to be a toy soldier then.😄

    1. My wife thought it was a urine sample ! , she said it was a bad case of UTI (urinary tract infection)
