Tuesday, 2 January 2018

The First Game Of The Year (Parte Twoe)

I had a go messing about with 'photo-shop' adding smoke to some of these pictures - with varied success . Here we see the Catholic Tercio advancing on the Protestant 'Red' regt. 

The Catholic Tercio's come under fire , they moved forward quickly but became disrupted by the fire from the enemy .

The Catholic pike block charges the right 'sleeve' of shote and routs it , the red markers are to record casualties .

Having driven off the'White' Regt. they turn their attention on the remaining Protestant unit causing heavy losses on the left 'sleeve' of shote and driving it off - things are not looking good for the Protestant army.

The remaining components of the Protestants flee leaving the route to the ford  open to the Catholic forces . On the other flank very little happened, the Catholic Tercio moving up the road did so very slowly and took ages to deploy , the Protestant 'Blue' Regt. showed no enthusiasm in attacking it and just sat there watching .

The victorious Catholic Commander . A rather quirky game with nothing happening on the Protestant right and although the left wing caused heavy losses on the enemy they were routed by a more aggressive foe.. The rules worked well and the game lasted six moves and was an exiting and interesting experience .


  1. Nice special effects! Glad it not only looked good but worked for you as well.

    1. I keep messing about , sometimes it works better than others .

  2. Hi Tony, Happy New Year. Good looking game there...very inspirational. I might be tempted to restart my TYW project.

    1. A Happy New Year to you as well , trying to get some games in with the stuff I already have painted rather than painting more .
