Thursday, 30 January 2025

Yanitza 'La Jeanne D'Arc' of the Balkans.


I was browsing the Internet for Balkans war things and can across some illustrations of "Le Petit Journal" a French magazine which covered various stories on the war. I saw the above copy and thought  " I've got to make a model of this heroine"! 

I ordered some bits and pieces from Irregular's 40mm Homage range and produced the above figure as close as possible to the illustration in the magazine . The body is cantiniere , the head a nurse (I think?) and a rifle and sword . Here she is seen with of  her bodyguard in traditional dress, hopefully she will be appearing on the tabletop soon .......

PS Tringe Smajli - Wikipedia a bit more info on this woman .


  1. Very nicely done and good resemblance.

  2. So that's who she is, not a character I have ever heard of, nice work on her very interesting, now off to do some background reading to educate myself on this intriguing lady.

  3. Great conversion, a nice addition to your collection;

  4. A wonderful tribute to this brave and heroic woman Tony! She looks spot on and will be a great addition to your future games!

  5. She looks great, although a gesturing hand without the sword, as per the picture, would probably have been my choice. As she's Albanian(?), whose side is she on? My knowledge of Balkans history is vanishingly small.

    1. Yes i was a bit limited with being able to bend the arms, she fought against the Turks.

  6. одличан!
    (odličan! = "excellent" in Serbian according to google)
