Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Holiday desternation ? (well for the 1900s)


The Treborian Tourist Board is trying to push the area to attract foreign holidaymakers - unfortunately in the past the industry has had some very poor publicity ---

Who can forget the fervor in the International community over the above -.: H.G.Wells to the rescue (or a Daring Escapade) + .: Mr and Mrs Walker get arrested .

So hoping for better things they have a new publicity campaign.

They are emphasising the 'rural idyll' of the area.

The rugged mountain scenery and picturesque locals .

Various Euro/American personalities have been invited to help with the premotion. Here we see Mark Twain (in white) and a Lady 'who is definately not Mrs H G Wells .

Here we see Oscar Wilde visiting the Tomb of Vlad 'the Impaler' (?sic?) accompanied by the head of the Tourist Board .

The new Republic of Helenyka has got into the act as well (pity about the spelling mistake) on the poster - it will be interesting to see how the promotional campaign succeeds ? .


  1. Lovely atmos for what I assume is an upcoming game?

  2. A very interesting way to set the narrative for any up coming game.

  3. I love the promotional posters Tony! What a creative way to set up a new conflict! I look forward to what comes next!

  4. Where do I sign up to visit? Do Thomas Cook do package holidays there or do I have to use the Treborian Uninvited Intruder (TUI) travel agency?

    All the best,

    R.G.Bargy (CEO, Foreign-Wars-R-Us)
