Tuesday, 14 January 2025

An (not so) Innocent abroad - Miss Marples .

Miss Jane Marples is holidaying in the Republic of Helenyka and has becided to visit the ancient Temple of Diana , she is being accompined by the Republic's Head of Antiquites Heinrich Schliemann and two stalwart local Mountineers as the site is very near the border with the Sublime Porte, who since the break away of the new Republic have still been contesting this region .All very innocent you might think !? BUT rumour has it that Miss Marples has links with the British Secret Service and has worked on behalf of both Treboria and the Helenyk Republic ! - could there be more to this holiday than meets the eye ??? ...........



  1. Beautiful figures Tony, and an intriguing story line! I can't wait to see what comes next!

  2. Very intriguing indeed, interesting to see what the enigmatic Marples is really up to!

  3. No need for concern, Jane can run rings round those Balkan types!

  4. Wonderful figures and backdrop! Wow
