Saturday, 1 February 2025

The annual pilgrimage to the local Model Railway show.


This weekend was the annual Model Railway show, I was surprised that when I turned up at lunch time I still had to queue to get in ! , it was well attended - a lot of grey haired older men . but a lot of families with small children which was nice to see.

Once again I was taken by the scenery as much as the model trains .

A herd of cows , those hedgerows look so realistic !

This layout had a film studio as a theme .

The cars in the carpark even moved about ! 

Look at that water feature ! - so realistic !

I did take the occasional photo of the actual trains as well .

The chute actually tipped gravel into the trucks .

These diesel motors remind me of our local railway as a child.

Most of the layouts had miniature lighting systems - micro technology at it's best !

Those cliffs cry out to be scaled by a team of WW2 Commandos .

Love this rural scene .

Oh dear a funeral at the local church - wonder you passed away ?

I came away feeling enthused by the positivity of the whole show , I know it isn't wargaming but it is a close cousin and I enjoy it immensely ! "a grand day out" ! 




  1. I love model railway layouts - the terrain making is brilliant. There are sadly no longer any local shows so it has been a few years. At one stage in my early youth it was 50/50 whether I went down the model railway path vs wargaming. 50ish years later I still cannot afford to do both!

  2. Hi Tony, Model railway landscapes have greatly influenced my wargames table, even if we have to weigh up the constant movement of figures, etc. And also battlefield features changing from game to game. It is still good to view these shows.
    Michael (Wargaming with.....)
