Thursday 7 December 2023

Next up for the Dettol bath .


Hunted out the two spare Lifeguards to go with my Lancers , and they are rather worse for wear - both horses have missing tails , one of the figures has a missing arm as well , so quite a bit of repair work to be done on them . I decided to strip the paint to help with the rennovations and painting. Whilst rummaging around in my spares box I found the rather unusual David Crockett/Mountain Man/ Pioneer figure and as he has hardly paint left on him I decided to give him a bath as well. We will see how they look in a couple of days once the Dettol has removed the paint from them.


  1. Very interesting figures Tony! The pioneer looks a lot like the Lincoln Logs Pioneer figure. These were a wooden building toy invented by Frank Lloyd Wright's son. They did offer sets of metal figures: pioneers and Native Americans to name a few. I look forward to your progress on this project!

    1. Thanks for the info about the figure , I can't remember where he came from - probably eBay - but I've had him for a while.
