Friday 15 December 2023

Lincoln Logge 'King of the Wild Patio'

May I present Lincoln Logge self styled 'King of the Patio' , here seen with his Patiogonian Indian companion Tonto . 

Lincoln Logge was the first European to cross the Great Patio and the discoverer of the Great and Lesser Ponds , here seen overlooking what is supposed to be the Lesser Pond.

Here is the only contenporary photo of Logge that I have been able to trace . Ned Butline the famous 19th century Western promoter wrote a Dime novel called "Across the Greate Patioe" which sensasionalised his exploits - Logge was incapable of telling the truth and fantasiesed his exploits on the Wild Patio to a great extent.

Here we see Logge meeting 'Escargot  Killer' the famed Patiogonian Indian Cheiftain , Logge served as a scout for 'Red Army' during The Great Patio War ., and should be appearing on the tabletop soon.



  1. Wonderful backstory on Mr. Logge Tony! Your painting is excellent too! Very nice to see the figures out and about on the patio in the middle of December!

  2. Has Colonel Legge (I imagine he styles himself 'colonel') talked about his journeys in the borders?

    1. I'm sure he has a honorific title - and I suspect he talks constantly of his adventures.

  3. Lovely "Toy Soldier" paint job Tony, Lincoln Logge looks splendid.
    Nice pics too.

    1. Added a lot more detail to the figure - the originals had just dabs of paint on them .

  4. If only we could find episodes of the tv series he inspired
