Friday 27 October 2023

Trouble in West Toieland (part 2)


Hodge gives his opinion of my tactical skills - he's not allowed in the gaming room as he chews things - so was evicted swiftly.

Brigadier Pettigrew is injured whilst trying to bolster the Cadet's moral as they take more casualties from the Jaegers.

Reinforcement arrive for Army 'Blue' as the left hand unit of Cadets deploy. In the distance the Chasseurs see off the Hussars but come under artillery fire .

The striken field towards the end of the game . Interestingly the 2 'cameo' figures never fot a chance to get involved.

The Cadets charge the 'Blue' infantry causng casualties but are driven back - 'Blue' was having a run of lucky dice throws and card draws at this point with 'Red' army powerless to respond. More 'Blue' reinforcements arrive down the road on the left.

End game , the Cadets on the right flee with the remnants of the Chasseurs retreating through the village followed by the Cadets in the center . With the majority of the army in flight the Cadets on the left fall back as well . An overwhelming victory for 'Blue' Army , they had a fortunate run of cards drawn plus some accurate artillery fire and shooting from the Jaegers which meant 'Red' Armt never really got a look in . As it was the Cadets first action the curse of the newly painted figures must have struck again !


  1. A resounding victory indeed! Newly painted units always seem to have a nightmare "blooding" and the poor old cadets were no different. Hodge is a bonny looking cat but cat and wargames certainly don't go together!

    1. The cat has a habit of hidding under the table amongst all the detritus and boxes .

  2. A wonderful battle Tony, hopefully the cadets will improve in their next game! Our cat looks just like Hodge, and is always trying to get into places that he's not allowed too!

    1. First battle nerves I think Hodge has a habit of chewing thinks , flags, bayonets, trees etc

  3. I think you're right about the curse on newly painted figures, but now the cadets have seen the elephant they should do better next time.

    1. Yes they were unlucky and 'Blue' army lucky in this game.

  4. Some days are just like that but the cadets at least looked brave and gallant while facing the enemy.

  5. My cat, Chloe, gets to go on my wargame tables until she gets a crazy look In her eye or when she blocks line of sight.
