Sunday 3 July 2022

Disaster !


So the light bulb in my wargaming room has failed again ! - seeing it is suspended directly over the table and me being short in stature replacing it requires me to balance on a stepladder with one foot on the tabletop whilst I replace it ! . A bit of a pain but I've done it before - however this time whilst semi balanced on the table there was a significant 'CRACK' ! , a hurried inspection under the table (a dark and murky chaotic place at the best of times) I found one of the supporting joists had cracked ! , I would like to blame the age of the woodwork rather than my weight ! - I hasten to add .

The offending light (Grrrrr !) This has meant that I will have to take down my game and remove all the figure boxes under the table to patch up the damaged joist with a couple of wooden batons which I have managed to salvage from my neighbour's home renovation skip . Hopefully normal service will be restored in a day or two .


  1. A bit of a disaster, I feel your anguish but at least it can be repaired, but a pain none the less.

    1. Very annoying - really need a new lighting system in my gaming room - one day I will !

  2. On reflection, that could have been a lot worse.....

    1. Yes ! it could have been a LOT worse , the underside of my table is a bit 'Heath Robinsonish' at best , so a lucky escape .

  3. The light bulb was changed , meant to be an eco-long lasting one

  4. I was relieved to not read that you then had a fall (per Springingeld's comment). A bother, for sure, but perhaps also a hidden opportunity to do a good clear out as well.

    1. I'm finding all sorts of forgotten treasures under the table !

  5. I'm sorry for your calamity Tony, but very glad to hear that you are well! I have done some ladder balancing projects in the past that have not turned out so well! I look forward to the resumption of your very interesting game soon! Good luck!

    1. Luckily no real damage done and will be easily repaired .

  6. Either that's a very powerful bulb or your eyes are much better than mine! I have an angle poise lamp (bought for me by my parents during my first bout of toy soldier madness as a teenager forty plus years ago) which I require to see anything at all through my cheap supermarket ultra-strength painting glasses!

    1. I don't paint in my gaming room as the light is poor - next to a window downstairs with lots of natural light straming in .

  7. Your fortunate Tony that the table didn't give way all-together - it could have been a lot worse with a terrible fall. I'm banned from Ladders- says my Cardiologist. Stay well there. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Luckily I only had one foot on the table and the other on the steps

  8. Oops! I have the opposite problem - at 6' 4" I can change the lightbulb but with my frame (and back) you would have to remove me if I tried to look under the table!

    1. Being a foot shorter than you I fit very neatly under the table but struggle to reach high up !

  9. Could have been worse - sorted soon .
