Tuesday 19 July 2022

An Enigma wrapped in a Mystery .

Mr Collins the vicar of Toieland parish church has taken H.G.Wells (and a lady who is certainly not Mrs Wells !) to inspect the church roof hoping he can help with the 'Roof Repair Fund' .

"That's quite a climb - 39 steps" says H.G. , "Well I counted 42 !" says the Lady (who is not Mrs Wells) , "it's a strange thing" says Mr Collins "I have not yet had anybody count the same number of steps twice!"  - "most odd" comments H.G. 

Along comes Gabriel Oaks (stalwart of the parish) and they ask him about the number of steps in the church tower . "Aarr ! you are talking about the 'Doom of Toieland' he says !", "It's said if anybody counts the same number of steps twice ! a great misfortune will befall Toieland !".

Just as they are leaving (still puzzled by the number of steps) along comes the author Mr J. Buchan - he is interested in the conundrum - "well the guide book says 39 steps " says Mr Collins - "39 eh ! " say Mr Buchan "that's interesting !" and scribbles it down in a notebook and strides off with great purpose . 



  1. Hmmmm, very interesting Tony! I can't wait to see if Toieland will indeed be doomed!

    1. Yes I wonder if these old wives tales have any truth in them?

  2. Doomed to invasion from overseas or from Mars?

  3. Most curious, but will the roof be repaired?

  4. Great fun indeed - I did a quick Wikipedia search on HG Wells personal life - I see what you mean about his female companion - there seem to have been quite a significant number of candidates, in addition to his two wives - neither of which was she, obviously!

    1. Yes he seemed to dabble with the females in great number !

  5. Entertaining and mysterious. Leaves us expectant for more; a real page turner Mr Wells/Buchan!
    Regards, James
