Sunday 3 October 2021

Back to figure painting .

Got back off holiday and finished these French Artillery for my Italian Wars of Independence . My French have been rather neglected of late and these gun and crew have been wanting completing for quite a while , I even did the hated limber and team - as you know I hate doing these BUT when done they always add something to the tabletop/game . Overseeing the crew is another mounted French Officer , the figures are of course Irregular 28mm . I have another gun and crew to paint and a small unit of Cavalry whilst I'm in this mood .



  1. A beautiful set Tony! Well worth suffering for! It certainly will look splendid on your table!

    1. Artillery are not my favorite paint project and tend to get left to the last .

  2. Well done there Tony on your Artillery - the Irregular figures look good too.

    1. Yes they have a certain style - and a cracking mail order service !
