Tuesday 26 October 2021

Off at a tangent (again)

So as is my want when I should be doing something - I go off at a tangent ! .I've had these 'Test of Honour' Samurai for ages , I don't have any mounted figures and I had read that these where swines to put together (which may be the reason why they have languished unmade for so long) . I do enjoy gluing plastic figures together - so I thought it was time to 'man up' and get them done . 

The actual models went together quite well, BUT  the horses needed pinning to their bases with a pin through the base and into the horses stomach to hold them secure . 

I was surprised how quickly I got them painted up , I once had a bit of a phobia about painting Samurai but having got my head around the subject I enjoy painting them and hope to get them in action soon . I must get back to my other outstanding projects now.



  1. What a wonderful result Tony! Your "quick" paint job looks great! Very well done!

  2. Excellent. Unlike you, I detest sticking figures together unless it's some weird fantasy conversion, but I am tempted to do some 1/72 Samurai.

    1. I used to make model aircraft , so it reminds me of them , Japanese armour and dress is SO different .

  3. Very nice!

    And the pins seem to disappear once painted up.

  4. Albeit from afar since I`m not versed in the genre, Samurai have always struck me as a daunting painting challenge. Good on ya for taking them on, and in plastic no less. I like the red lacquer armor effect in particular.

    1. Luckily by the 1600's they seemed to have worn simpler armour usually all in one colour - mainly red or black .
