Tuesday 12 October 2021

Thinking of Christmas - already !

Sadly I can't find any pictures of the 'Great Miniature Battle' or 'War Tableaux'  - especially when when the artillery used REAL gunpowder ! (click on photo to enlarge)



  1. I found an article in "The Dundee Courier" dated 12 December 1914. It related that the miniature battle was based on the battle of Yser, fought in Belgium, October 1914. The miniature battle was located on the first floor of Gamages and was enclosed in a huge glass case. The store then presented the battle in all its glory four times daily! Afterwards, spectators were reported to rush to buy toy soldiers! The store also explained that they could not meet the demand for toy soldiers and often ran short! Thanks for finding this ad Tony, how wonderful it must have been to experience this in person!

    1. Thanks for the extra information , it sounds a wonderful spectacle , no wonder they ran out of toy soldiers !

  2. Very interesting to see that in fall of 1914 that they were already advertising barbed wire and trenches as features of the war (the "Race to the Sea" phase had only concluded in mid/late October). Interesting also to think that the Christmas Truce of 1914 came after this Christmas Fair extravaganza.
