Tuesday 3 November 2020

A mystery solved .

I was musing the origins of the hollow cast mounted figure I renovated and whilst searching through my shoe box of old figures I found the above figure which is the same as my damaged one . It's a Johillco Scots Grey  - the horse is exactly the same but with the original riders head .. John Hill & Co. was started in 1898 by a former employee of Britains . Unlike Britains the figures were sold individually and aimed at the 'pocket money' market whilst Britains sold their figures in boxed sets . They generally had a simpler paint job and were sold in variety stores like Woolworth . So these two figures are probably over a 100 years old and still fighting tabletop battles .



  1. Replies
    1. I wonder how many modern figures will still be in use in another 100 years

  2. Great figures and lovely to see them still in action

  3. I knew there were Johilco soldiers, but I've never seen any. However, when I was a little kid I sometimes used to go to stay with my posh aunt in the Wirral, and I used to get to play with a big box of old toys - all pre-war - which had been handed down through the generations. There were loads of Johilco farm animals and workers - there was a milkmaid with a yoke for the buckets, and a farmer with a dog and a pipe (I think I may have married his daughter 20 years later) and there were corn stooks and rather unconvincing flat hedges. Interesting to see the ancestry of the company.

    1. I was given some metal farm yard figures as a very small boy which had been an older cousins - sadly I don't remember what happened to them .

  4. Good work there Tony - you were wondering about the origins of the piece. Be good to see the Mounted Officer in the Garden Setting. Regards. KEV.

    1. The next outdoor photo shoot is dependent on the weather and absence of the dog , but will be doing some in the future .

  5. There will only be one winner between them two - the one with the old head on his shoulders.

  6. There we are!

    Johilco was still going in the early 60's so they may only be 60 or 70 yrs old!

    1. I was going in the 60's - that makes me feel old ! : )

  7. It’s nice to put a bit of real history behind your toys Tony...

    Jame Opie has written a number of excellent books on William Britains but I have found this book By Andrew Rose to be most useful...


    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks it looks an interesting book , will order it I think from Amazon .
