These cows , scarecrow , cornstooks and farmers are from my distant childhood . Already old when they were past down to me by my older cousins they were part of a toy farm I played with as a youngster . I have repainted the farmer as he had no discernable paint left on him but have left the others untouched , the farmer is solid and hefty enough to be a viable missile if thrown , the others hollow - hate to think of the lead content in the cows paint scheme .
The walls I made myself in a homage to my late father who made me some like these as a child . They are simply wood cut to size, the stone work drawn on with a pencil and given a gloss varnish .
I have only one building at the moment , a small MDF one - I can't remember where I got it from , I have decided that I want my buildings /scenery to have overtones of 'toy town' so it to has been give a coat of varnish and left as it is . The inhabitants of 'Rose Cottage' are a couple of figures again from my youth, from a clockwork train set again donated by an older cousin (I suspect families don't past toys down to the next generation nowadays) I have repainted them - the lady had a brilliant 'dayglow' blue coat that refused to budge when soaked in Dettol and bleach - God knows what sort of paint it was - probably used to painting battleships ! . They are Mr & Mrs Pendergast a couple that may not be all they seem - That point on Mrs Pendergast's umbrella looks rather sharp ! and what's that ticking coming from her bag !? - Is that an automatic pistol in Mr Pendergast's pocket ? - or is he just pleased to see us !? ...........