Friday 27 March 2020

AGM SYW-ish game (part3)

The game is coming to a close and the French manage to activate the Regt. D Roi who charge and overrun the Allied battery and capturing the guns .

The next card turned was the sixth Joker so ending the game . 

The stricken field , nearest the camera the French have taken the hill and captured the battery . In the centre the Allies hold the church and village and in the distance they are preparing to counterattack the Swiss . I think I must give the game to the French , the capture of the Allied guns sealed the day for them .  Both sides lost heavily with the French Regt Bearn and the Nassau Saarbruck heavy cavalry taking the most casualties . On the Allied side the 20th Foote and the Prussian Hussars took the most hits as well as the artillery being lost .Using the Colonels as 'brigadiers' under the rules worked well as regiments could move together . Towards the end of the game both sides ran out of cards held in hand which stopped them reacting to situations (the Prussian Hussars not being able to counter charge) . I enjoyed playing it , now to tidy up and think of what next to do . 


  1. As we have been playing AGW we have been tending to be cautious about maintaining a hold card reserve....

    1. Yes you do need an odd one or two for emergencies.

  2. A suitably bloody encounter. What to do next? Set 'em up and play another game of course! Really enjoyed following your game by the way.

    Best Regards,


    1. I was a very enjoyable game , still deciding what to do next .

  3. Looked good and sounded fun!

    I will confess that I'm cautious enough to pass when possible to keep my Hold cards topped up for when they are needed.

  4. I do like the OLD SCHOOL look of your Game Tony- very nice altogether, well done!

    1. Thanks , as I get older the more I lean towards Old School type games.

  5. Well that was a rather splendid game...
    I like A Gentleman’s War... it’s a lot of fun... I may have to indulge in the near future.

    All the best. Aly

    1. It has emerged as my 'go to set of rules' , simple , fun , and the card drawing system makes it ideal for solo play . Cheers Tony
