Wednesday 17 July 2019

Flat figures for Hyboria .

Been very busy getting my flats based and the paintwork re-touched ready to play a game using Featherstone's Ancient rules . Here are the 1st Imperial Infantry Regt .of Hyrkania.

A detachment of the Hyrkanian Imperial Archers . Hyrkania has a strong Greco/Roman theme when it comes to figures .

Hyrkanian Light Horse , I've had to touch up the paint on most of the above figures and added a bit of shading to the flesh colour to make it stand out more .

The Hyperborian Thurn Infantry, I've had to paint extra figures to bring this up to strength - an Officer and Standard Bearer .

The 2nd Gwalur Infantry of Hyperboria , I have re-painted these to give a uniform appearance and added the two Officer figures . I'm using the organisation from the Featherstone book which gives 20 infantry and 2 Officers, the cavalry  are  15 and 2 Officers . I've got enough  for a small game which I will be posting soon .


  1. Wonderful. I am looking forward to seeing the game.

    Will you be using Featherstone rules as written?

    1. Yes to start with , may modify the melee results to make them a bit more effective .

  2. Coming along very nicely indeed. I really look forward to seeing the game.

  3. Me too! They look fantastic.

    Best Regards,


  4. Well done..they really look good. Can't wait to see a game.

    1. Looking forward to playing with them and painting more .

  5. Great work Tony, they look spot on.

  6. Looking great so far! I'm also looking forward to seeing the battle.

  7. The units are looking very nice. I too am looking froward to the battle.

  8. They look lovely Tony...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks , playing through a couple of games using them to test out the rules .

  9. Looks great! How are you finding the flats to work with?

    1. Most of the work so far has been touching up the paint work on these figures and adding a bit of shading to the flesh . I've painted about 12 Officer/ Standard Bears up so far myself using a black undercoat which is perhaps to dark , might try a brown for the next batch . I paint on a darker shade of colour then highlight it with brighter coat on top . I'm enjoying painting them , it's different and a bit of a challenge .
