Saturday, 15 March 2025

Toy Soldiers in Art No.26


Found on the interweb , a 'Military Game' - shooting a BB gun at hollowcast figures - in an era when there was no Heath and Safety ("careful you could have someones eye out with that") I'm not sure about having a window as a backstop ! - probably responsible for some of the damaged figures that appear on eBay nowadays. (click on photo to enlarge) 


  1. Another wonderful find Tony! How times have changed! But, it does look like he's having a great deal of fun, and that's what toys are all about!

  2. Interesting that the points are actually inverse when it comes to shooting: the larger targets (like horse) are worth more points than the smaller (infantry). Then again, entirely in keeping, somehow, with the "poor bloody infantry" vs other arms.

  3. Another lovely image, a shame to shoot all those lovely soldiers though!

  4. Excellent find and particularly like the ‘name the toy before shooting’ line!

    1. Yes the 'marksman' rule instead of just blazing away !
