Sunday, 2 March 2025

The Action at Cidade Ferroviaria.


I decided to play the game when 'S' came around for our regular Friday gaming session. 'S' took the forces of Nuevo Rico and I the defenders . The Nuevo Riccion forces motored down the road towards the railway .

The Armoured Car was hit by rifle fire and driven off and also the leading truck was damaged forcing the infantry to debus .

On the right the Republican HMG had to redeploy to counter a flanking movement - the token donates that the unit has activated ( a suitable S. American postal stamp)

The Workers are outshot by the Regulars and driven back as the enemy capture the barricades and one end of the village.

At this point as the action grew hot I forgot to take photos ! , the Militia tried to do a flanking attack on the enemy but where driven off by well placed artillery fire and fled back across the Montanha de Ouro - the Llama donates that they are disordered and in flight. .

Another unit of 'La Cigarros' try to recapture the village but again were out gunned by the regulars (Regulars count as being open order but the Workers or the Militia due to there lack of training cannot) , at this point the forces of the Republic decided to retire having suffered heavy casualties . A good game with the adaptions to the rules seemed to work well . What will happen now ?! to be continued ..........




  1. Very exciting game Tony! I'm glad to see that you had a pal to play with, always a plus! I'm looking forward to your next installment!

    1. Yes it was a good game , we try to play regularly but sometimes real life gets in the way.

  2. A fun looking game Tony…
    And lovely looking toys and terrain…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks , yes I got carried away with the action, hence the sad lack of photos.

  3. A grand start to the game, should be an interesting next instalment, looking forward to it.

    1. We both enjoyed it , we will see what happens next.
