Sunday, 9 February 2025

The rejuvenated Evzones .


Well I've got the figures repaired , painted over the 'milliput' and gave the paint a slight varnish to try and match the original finish . I decided not to repaint anymore of the figures and leave scuffed paint as it is as a tribute to their past services .

The face of a veteran 


  1. Excellent job as usual Tony! They look just right. They're almost as good as new, but with the scuffs earned in playroom battles! You have achieved the perfect balance, very well done!

  2. Nicely done: a nice blend of practical restoration and maintaining the authenticity of the figures.

  3. Nice sympathetic restoration job, These lads should look great on the table, nice that they live to fight again.

  4. That looks just the right level of (non) restoration.
