Sunday 15 September 2024

A return to an old favorite - 'The Sword in Africa'

Back from holiday and wondering what to play next ?, I was talking to 'S' and we got waxing lyrical about 'Old School' gaming and I started thinking - The Sword And The Flame !

I decided on using my my Congo forces - King Leopold's Force Publique versus the Azande tribesmen. 

The leader of the Force Publique- Major Henry Poirot (father of the famous detective)

The Azande Cheiftan Enoch Gbudwe - educated at Eton (expeled for 'bad behavior' ) and his retinue gets the 'speaking drums' to assemble his forces .

The Cheiftans Bodyguard armed with modern weapnary sneak along the river bank.

Two groups of Azande warriors , these are 28mm Foundry Miniatures I painted up years ago.

A unit of Azande musket armed tribesmen - a mixture of Foundry and Copplestones miniatures.

The Force Publique Askaris move onto the table .

Two units of Force Publique Auxillaries , Foundry and Copplestones figures.

The table - the Force Republique nearest the camera have to cross the river at the ford and raze the village , the Azandes have to prevent this .An update as the game progresses (click on photos to enlarge)



  1. Lovely looking table and figures, looking forward to seeing how this one unfolds.

    1. Thank you , it's a long while since I had them on the table.

  2. Everything looks great Tony! Those Azande shields are awesome, wonderful painting skills! I can't wait to see your next report!

  3. They were done quite a while ago when my eyes were keener.

  4. Outstanding! An interesting period and a fun excellent set of rules.
