Wednesday 25 September 2024

A Gentleman's War in 54mm (part 3)


The forces of Army Pantalon Rouge crest the ridge and their firepower drives the depleated ranks of Army Blue back.

On the other flank the cavalry forces finally square up to each other - but it's to late the fate of the battle is being played out on the other side of the battlefield. 

The Blue Army Jaeger had been slowly advancing when they take a devistating volley from the Zouaves and even though in skirmish order fail to save any of their casualties and are forced to fall back . Incidently the Wurtemberg infantry on the road have show a distrinct lack of interest in getting into action over 4 moves they only moved 10 inches !!!

With mounting casualties in the centre Army Blue decides to call it a day and retire giving the game to Army Pantalon Rouge ! . Army Blue had some bad luck with the acctivation cards and when they did shoot failed to hit anyone, whilst Army Pantalon Rouge got off some cracking volleys . Incidently the left hand unit was reduced to only 4 figures by artillery fire but kept in the game by the encouragementof the War Correspondent Mr Kipling ! . So a resounding win to Army Pantalon Rouge - an excellant game indeed !


  1. That Mr Kipling writes some exceedingly good copy.
    Great game/report Tony.

    1. Yes he kept that unit in action, an enjoyable game.

  2. A bit of a drubbing for Army Blue, not their day that;s for sure. An enjoyable battle and a great table and figures, top notch.

  3. Thanks for another great game Tony! Mr. Kipling was right in the thick of things, a true ace reporter! All very well done!
