Friday, 28 February 2025

Nuevo Rico Invades !


The scene of the action, the town of Cidade Ferroviaria which sits on the important railway line which runs along the border between Nuevo Rico and the Republic of Cocos . The road runs from Nuevo Rico on the left and the Republic on the right .

The Iron Road stretches into the mountainous distance .

Intelligence has alerted the town that a mechanised force from Nuevo Rico is moving rapidly down the road to capture the village and sever the railway line and the workers have armed themselves ready to repel the invaders.

The workers block the road and fortify the houses .

A flanking force occupies the wood and await in ambush .

The only Republican force is a HMG which has been set up in a commanding position on the Montanha de Ouro to cover the railway junction. The Commander has sent a message to bring the local Militia (La Cigarros) to aid them 


Sunday, 23 February 2025

Toy Soldiers in art No.24


No not me trying to explain wargaming to the long suffering Mrs K , a rather mawkish postcard (to modern eyes) of the aged parents looking at their son's toy soldiers collection - the child having grown up and enlisted in the army for the World War (?), very much a period piece .

Saturday, 15 February 2025

More Evzones and a bit of a mystery


In my previous post I was talking about the repairs and repainting of the 5 Britains Greek Evzones I bought , the problem of course was that I needed at least one more figure to make up a 'small' unit for AGW rule (6figures). I did a search on eBay and found that 'bigboycollctibles' had some for sale , so I kept an eye on them and as nobody was really interested I managed to get them for under £3 a figure which was a bargin and they where in better shape than the original ones I got and so didn't need repairs or a repaint - 'Happy Bunny' !!!

The strange thing was they came with an Officer type figure (well brandishing a sword which in my book = Officer), now Britains  didn't do an Officer figure for their set - he's a hollowcast figure - the paint job looks moderner/repaint ?  and he has no markings on the base ? - VERY puzzling indeed !. I must try and find out who made him , going to glue them onto bases to match my others , update to follow .....

PS I asked for info on a Toy Soldier Facebook group and am told it is by a French maker called George Munkel (GM) 

Sunday, 9 February 2025

The rejuvenated Evzones .


Well I've got the figures repaired , painted over the 'milliput' and gave the paint a slight varnish to try and match the original finish . I decided not to repaint anymore of the figures and leave scuffed paint as it is as a tribute to their past services .

The face of a veteran 

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

To repair or not to repair ? - that is the question.


I bought these off eBay (rather cheaply I think) they are Britains Greek Evzones from Set No.196 and the where produced from 1916 to 1966 - BUT these must be pre 1946 as they are red jackets - after this date they where painted in blue jackets . So that makes them at least 79 years old ! 

As you can see they have been in the wars , as well as the inevitable paint loss they have holes in the stomach area .

And a couple have holes in the back as well , I investigated and this seem to be dues to a very thin layer of metal (being hollow cast of course) 

One has a missing rifle as well . The dilemma is to repair or not ? , 'Proper Collectors' would say "No !" you devalue the figures ! , however I would like to use them on the tabletop- so I'm going to have a go at repairing them !

So I've packed the holes with tissue paper and filled them with 'milliput' , I repaired the rifle with a pared down cocktail stick coated in super glue . I will repaint the damaged bits but I think I will not touch up the original paint - leaving their battle scars as testament to their service over the years . Too be continued ...... 


Saturday, 1 February 2025

The annual pilgrimage to the local Model Railway show.


This weekend was the annual Model Railway show, I was surprised that when I turned up at lunch time I still had to queue to get in ! , it was well attended - a lot of grey haired older men . but a lot of families with small children which was nice to see.

Once again I was taken by the scenery as much as the model trains .

A herd of cows , those hedgerows look so realistic !

This layout had a film studio as a theme .

The cars in the carpark even moved about ! 

Look at that water feature ! - so realistic !

I did take the occasional photo of the actual trains as well .

The chute actually tipped gravel into the trucks .

These diesel motors remind me of our local railway as a child.

Most of the layouts had miniature lighting systems - micro technology at it's best !

Those cliffs cry out to be scaled by a team of WW2 Commandos .

Love this rural scene .

Oh dear a funeral at the local church - wonder you passed away ?

I came away feeling enthused by the positivity of the whole show , I know it isn't wargaming but it is a close cousin and I enjoy it immensely ! "a grand day out" !