Thursday 4 July 2024

The completed Lord Byron.


I have finally finished my model of Lord Byron  Bygon , here seen in the conservatory helping his second coat of varnish to set . I was going to photograph him outdoors in a moody al fresco photo shoot but the weather in the North of the UK has turned distinctly Autumnal ! . I'm afraid I haven't captured his facial appearance very well , lantern jawed rather than pale romantic angst. I'm pleased with the colour scheme and think it captures spirit of the chap . He will be appearing soon on the tabletop I hope.



  1. I think you captured him very well! And the shot in front of the vase is very nicely composed as well (somehow appropriate--as much art as toy).

    1. Yes the vase makes it - he was on the shelf to dry.

  2. He looks great, very work, looking forward to see what he gets up to when he gets his chance on the table.

    1. Thanks , now to weave him into the forthcoming tales.

  3. Nice work Tony - "Adversity is the first path to truth"

  4. You definitely captured his spirit Tony, a marvelous paint job indeed! It will be wonderful to see him on the tabletop!
