Wednesday 24 July 2024

Odds and Sods painting.


Been busy finishing off a few painting projects , first up some English sword and bucklermen for my 'Close Wars' - Pilgrims versus Native Americans , for some reason the English seem to have reverted to these troops to counter the Indians in hand to hand fighting. The figures are 28mm Flint and Feather range from Crucible Crush .

And to oppose them some Native Americans again from the Flint and Feather range. 

These plastic tents have been hanging around for ages and I've just found some offcut MDF pieces on a neighbours skip and so I've glued them down and textured the bases and finally got them painted , they will do for objective markers on the tabletop , they are Rendra plastics.


  1. Nice work on the English and the natives, lovely figures and very well painted. The tents should have a variety of uses, they look great.

    1. Thanks, the tents will do for a multitude of purposes.

  2. Very interesting sets of figs: the sword and buckler fellows could, of course, be used for other things as well (so double good there). Nicely rendered, all!

  3. Your figures all look great Tony, and they look even better in the great outdoors! I feel like I've been transported to early Massachusetts when I see your beautiful work! Very well done indeed!

    1. Thank you , Summer returned today so I thought I'd better get some outdoor shots.

  4. Excellent figures and painting Tony!
