Thursday 6 June 2024

Figures in search of a game .

Whilst on a recent holiday we where passing Bridlington and knowing it was the home to Mighty Lancer Games I persuaded my dear wife to have a qiuck shopping trip - while I popped in to peruse this shop !  Normally I like to take photos of the interior and the stocks of figures - however my phone chose this point in time to run out of battery ...........

Being a weak willed wargamer I had to buy something and my eyes setteled on these boxes of goodies , now I had no need of them and no idea how I was going to use them - but I like glueing the Perry plastic figures together so I bought them !

Fast forward several weeks and I came across 'Eagles of Empire' wargaming rules for the Franco-Prussian War - very simple, all unit stats are on cards and I probably had enough figures in my two boxes to start playing ! 

Units are of three bases - number of figures on a base doesn't matter 

My second unit , you can get a lot of variants with the bits on the sprues .

My first two units plus a command base which allows them to manoeuver together . I was going to take the photos outdoors but the British summer has arrived and it's raing ! . I'm busy glueing up the French figures now , so more photos to follow soon .



  1. I have no interest in doing the FPW but must admit I have been really tempted by the Perry plastics and the metal side of the range as well. Seeing your cracking figures have not helped me at all!! Very nice work they look great.

    1. In my distant youth I was a model kit builder and enjoy glueing these figures together.

  2. That looks like a beautiful shop Tony, and everything worked out just right! Your painting skills are superb, I can't wait to see the French!

    1. It is a brilliant shop with very enthusiastic owners. Thank you for the complements.

  3. What a coincidence. I just pulled out my mid century Prussians and set them out for a game tomorrow.

  4. Those figures look great Tony, nice work

  5. An excellent start to your new project…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks , always like to have a painting project on the go.

  6. Those figures look great and the ruleset produces some enjoyable games. What is not to love?

    1. I'm looking forward to getting them on the tabletop

  7. Amazing looking figures, thanks for sharing. Best wishes- Quinn
