Thursday 13 June 2024

Comfy slippers Wargaming .

Been feeling a bit under the weather this last week , my wife has Covid and is off work as she is a home carer and although I haven't tested positive I've been feeling lousy , so no painting or modeling . However once I was feeling a bit better I decided to set up a small game using my 54mm collection and AGW rules .

The force selection was mainly what I could grab from the first box I came across . Here the 'Blue' Army Commander Von Zeppelin oversees the artillery .

I diced for the positions of the troops , the main of 'Blue' Armies Infantry are Bavarians with a Hussar (in red) and a Dragoon unit on the flank.

The 'Red' Army left flank has the two units of Household cavalry armed with lances - which have not seen action yet on the tabletop . (must repaint the Officers bases to match the troopers lighter ones)

The centre is held by the Artillery and a unit of Rifles.

On the other flank the famed Highland Brigade under Colonel Campbell . I hope to get this game started tomorrow and will report back soon .



  1. "Get well soon", to the both of you!

  2. Hope you both feel better soon but the table you have set is bound to raise your spirits, it looks great!

    1. I must be getting better if I'm starting playing with toy soldiers !

  3. Sorry to hear about the COVID, but glad to hear it seems more a bother than a threat (fingers crossed). A medicinal toy solider game: a concept second only to medicinal brandy.

    1. We are both feeling better , just rathr lack lustre - the game is helping with my recovery !

  4. A good looking game, hopefully it proved to be a good distraction,

  5. Hope you've recovered Tony. Enjoy the game.

  6. Looking good, but, have your armies been vaccinated?

  7. A beautiful table as usual Tony! Surely the best medicine you'll get is a dose of 54mm warriors! I hope that you and Mrs. K are back to 100% soon!!

    1. Both of use are feeling better and Mrs K goes back to work next week .

  8. This is all rather lovely and should aid recovery - hope you are both feeling better soon!

    1. Nice simple rules , easy to play . Both feeling a lot better, thanks.

  9. Hope you guys are feeling better Tony, what a great set up , lovely figures. Well done!! Quinn
