Thursday 27 June 2024

The Finest Military Game Ever Invented!?


The phrase "you'll have someone's eye out with that"! comes to mind. I'm not sure I would want to chip the paint off my figures.  Found and copied from Facebook- Britains Toy Soldiers. 

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Half way there !


Just noticed I've past the half way mark of my 'walk 1000 miles in 24' , I've past the 500 miles much earlier this year !? I'm not sure how as the weather this Spring has been lacl lustre in the UK - let's hope the second half goes as well. 

Friday 21 June 2024

Lord Byron (Bygon) - an update .


Got a bit further with my Lord Byron Bygon figure adding a curved sword and dagger with a waist sash . When the milliput sets I can undercoat the figure and start painting it. 

I have also found another painting of Byron Bygon which will be handy as a painting guide .

Monday 17 June 2024

Lord Byron /Bygon in a greater stature.


You may have noticed on my 'what I'm reading now ' a biography of  Lord Byron,  a fascinating chap , one of the first "media personalities " (along with Nelson  ?) , now I have a model of him in 40mm who graces my tabletop now and again aiding the struggle for the Hellenyk Republic,  and I thought how about  in 54mm  ? .

I searched about and found this figure of a Montenegron infantryman on the Irregular Miniatures site . I ordered it with another head (Ian kindly sent me another alternative head as well) , here we see it just prior the decapitation of the original head. 

Having cut the old head off I carefully drilled a hole into the neck and glued in the new one 

This is the reference picture I'm using of Lord Byron in Albanian dress. 

I've added a turban (?) to his head which will need a bit more work to it when the Milliput has set (knowing when to stop fiddling with the modelling putty is the secret I think) and I will be giving him a sword as well . There will be an update soon I hope. 





Thursday 13 June 2024

Comfy slippers Wargaming .

Been feeling a bit under the weather this last week , my wife has Covid and is off work as she is a home carer and although I haven't tested positive I've been feeling lousy , so no painting or modeling . However once I was feeling a bit better I decided to set up a small game using my 54mm collection and AGW rules .

The force selection was mainly what I could grab from the first box I came across . Here the 'Blue' Army Commander Von Zeppelin oversees the artillery .

I diced for the positions of the troops , the main of 'Blue' Armies Infantry are Bavarians with a Hussar (in red) and a Dragoon unit on the flank.

The 'Red' Army left flank has the two units of Household cavalry armed with lances - which have not seen action yet on the tabletop . (must repaint the Officers bases to match the troopers lighter ones)

The centre is held by the Artillery and a unit of Rifles.

On the other flank the famed Highland Brigade under Colonel Campbell . I hope to get this game started tomorrow and will report back soon .


Thursday 6 June 2024

Figures in search of a game .

Whilst on a recent holiday we where passing Bridlington and knowing it was the home to Mighty Lancer Games I persuaded my dear wife to have a qiuck shopping trip - while I popped in to peruse this shop !  Normally I like to take photos of the interior and the stocks of figures - however my phone chose this point in time to run out of battery ...........

Being a weak willed wargamer I had to buy something and my eyes setteled on these boxes of goodies , now I had no need of them and no idea how I was going to use them - but I like glueing the Perry plastic figures together so I bought them !

Fast forward several weeks and I came across 'Eagles of Empire' wargaming rules for the Franco-Prussian War - very simple, all unit stats are on cards and I probably had enough figures in my two boxes to start playing ! 

Units are of three bases - number of figures on a base doesn't matter 

My second unit , you can get a lot of variants with the bits on the sprues .

My first two units plus a command base which allows them to manoeuver together . I was going to take the photos outdoors but the British summer has arrived and it's raing ! . I'm busy glueing up the French figures now , so more photos to follow soon .