Thursday 16 May 2024

Lincoln Logge and Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show .


I've been doing a bit more digging into the career of (Col.) Lincoln Logge and came across the above poster from the collection of the University of Felpersham (Borsetshire). Interestingly Logge is titled as Major Logge !? - evidently Buffalo Bill didn't like the idea of two Colonels in his show ( Although both mens military rank are rather questionable) .

Here we see Logge and Buffalo Bill posing for a premotional photograph ,The photographer is Mathew Brady Junior who did a lot of work for Buffalo Bill Cody - and failed to get paid for a lot of it ! . Logge only did one season with the Wild West Show as he fell out with Cody , Lincoln Logge was a teetotaler and unfortunatly Buffalo Bill like a drink or two (or three-four...) so they parted company somewhat acrimoniously ! 


  1. A wonderful poster Tony, especially with the inclusion of Lincoln Logge! Your Buffalo Bill piece is great and the camera is special! Thanks for another excellent post!

  2. Thank you , had to wait for a sunny day to photograph this.

  3. What fascinating artifacts the University of Felpersham has! Some day, I hope to take a research journey to walk the stacks, there (not everything makes it into the digital archive).

    1. I believe they are slowly trying to digitalis their collections but funds are lacking I'm afraid.
