Friday 25 August 2023

Schrodinger's (cat) Army in a Box.

I have a problem with storage in my Wargaming room - I only have so much and have tried to maximise it's usage by storing the boxes of figures under the wargaming table . This also leads to problems accessing the boxes and a lot of the collections tend not to get played with because I can't get to them easily. So I decided to down size an few of my collections that I don't use often . I have sold on my 28mm SYW O.S collection and replaced it with Wofun 2D figures - Here we see 'Old Fritz' studying my problems and sadly shaking his head.

Having got rid of 6 box files full of figure my Prussian Army using Wofun now fits into just 2 boxes - 12" ruler for scale.

The Infantry - 8 Battalions of Foot - each of 6 bases (each base 8 'figures' ),and 5 Guns and crews - roughly 400 'figures' 

The Cavalry - 7 Regiments of Horse each of 4 bases (Heavy Cavalry 6 'figures' to a base, Hussars 3 'figure' to a base) roughly 144 'figures'

Some of the Frei Korp .

Some of the Generals . I can understand that 2D flats are not everyones cup of tea - but I've been using 'flats' and 'semi flats' for years so it doesn't worry me . The great advantage is storage / accessibility I find I am using them much more frequently - And I didn't have to paint them !,catcat I have inked in the figure edges and filled in the gaps in the bases and added a bit of foliage on the Generals bases - next I will show off my Austrian Army - which again fits in just 2 boxes .



  1. Very interesting - thanks, I am just off to the Wofun site!

    1. As near as 'insta-gaming' as you can get , but not everyones cup of tea .

  2. Hello there old chap,

    Wofun are a great solution to the storage issue - not to mention being ready painted! I have a 18mm ACW and Wild West set up to sort through and like you I would certainly look to do something with the edges and the bases.

    What are your thoughts on the artillery?

    I can cope with square gun barrels at a push but the ACW guns I ave would certainly not have been my first choice of design. A 12pdr Napoleon would have suited better rather than what looks like a large rifle. I may replace them in due course but they will do for now.

    All the best,


    1. The artillery are a bit difficult but once you get your head around them I can do them successfully - a lot of people replace them with 3D metal/plastic ones. I use GW Agrax Earthshade carefully brushed on the edges to take the glare down .

  3. These figures are really impressive en masse. Positive stories about downsizing collections always inspire me to keep going with my own efforts. Glad to hear that it's working well for you!

    1. I have cut back a lot over the last few years , with me it's a use/accessibility - if I can get to them easily I play with them more .

  4. A very nice army, I really like the idea of Wofun and must bite the bullet and do something about it!! Looking forward to seeing the Austrians.

    1. I like Wofun very much , very reliable mail order , I realise 2D isn't for everyone - but I'm hooked on them !

  5. A rational decision. And those Wofun figures look great, especially en masse. And very characterful too.

    1. Yes I don't regret it , I am using the Wofun a lot more now.

  6. A wonderful looking army Tony and its storage advantages are great! I have always enjoyed flat figures and these seem to be a very smart and updated version! "Old Fritz" would be proud of your solution I think!

    1. I do like them for their practicality and am using them more ften than the old collection.

  7. Going through an assessment of my collection, I have also contemplated space efficient alternatives, like WoFun, that allow you to downsize in space but not in capacity.

    1. Yes I find collections get hidden under the wargaming table and hardly see the light of day from one year end to the next .

  8. Fantastic photos, I am a great fan of Wofun miniatures.
    I dulled the edges of my 18mm WSS figures down with a ink wash and replaced the cannons with Eureka miniatures 18mm cannons.
    Here is a link to how I did my figures.

    Your blog is always a great read.


    1. Thank you for your kind comments I ink the edges as well , I can live with the cannon but not to everyone's taste thanks for the link.
