Sunday 20 August 2023

A game at 'A's


So this Sunday evening I went around to 'A's for a game of 'Flames of War' set in Tunisia - the Americans versus the Germans , using a starter box he had bought on line . Sadly I didn't take many photos as once the action grew hot I forgot !

Here we see my Lee tanks moving down the road to capture an objective . The boxed set 'Kasserine has two matched forces of plastic tanks and guns , a rulebook , dice and unit cards - a very good buy ! - for about £40 .

My Stuart light tanks scoot around the flank , 'A' was in a hurry to try these forces out so he hasn't got them painted yet . The rules are the latest 4th edition , much tidied up and a lot faster and easier to play than the old 2nd edition I last played with many years ago.

The German position with his 50mm AT guns covering the objective . We played the game in under two hours plus a bit of post game discussion , I was impressed by the 'everything in a box' FOW set and even better I won! - partially because of 'A' poor dice rolling and am looking forward to our next game.


  1. Still feeling a bit shell shocked over having to box and store my collection, and the volume it takes up, seeing A's collection in the background of this report makes me realize that my accumulation may be sizeable in terms if household volume, but it's a fairly average to modest one in terms of the hobby. Looks like a fun game, by the way. Always a good indicator when enthusiasim rides high enough to play with new toys before they're painted.

    1. Think'A' is as much of a collector as gamer and has been doing both for a lot of years . Fun game now the rules have been tidied up.

  2. I am amazed to read you can get a whole Battle in a Box from FoW for £40 - they have always seemed to me to one of the more "commercialised" producers, akin to Games Workshop or Warlord, where everything is about dominating market share and maximizing profit!

    1. Their starter boxes are very resonably priced around the £40-£45 range on Amazon and some eBay dealers , obviously aimed at the beginner , with rule book , dice and starter guide .

  3. Looks like a great game at a bargain price Tony! Nice to get out and enjoy a game with a friend, and you won! Well done!

    1. It was a quick and easy game to play and I won what more could you ask ('A's opinion my differ on this - his dice rolling was abysmal )
