I dislike painting limbers and teams - but once done they do look good on the table . I was hoping to photo these outdoors but as the rest of Europe bakes in sunshine the UK is covered in clouds and rain , so I have photographed them on my desk .
I didn't bother with all the complicated horse traces etc . , I do like how the crew fit onto the limber and gun , nice chunky models .
One of the problems with limbers is how they are attached to the horse teams ! , I have thrown authenticity to the wind and simply drilled some holes into the flanks of the horses and glued a pin to join them together . The limber I simply bent the trail around into a hook so it loops around the pin and it can be unlimbered easily.
The gun and crew unlimbered and ready for action . I'm off to paint up some more of the infantry now seeing it's still pouring down !