Sunday 19 December 2021

Wargaming decorating .

Today my wife announced that she was going to clean out the kitchen cupboards - this involves her coming to me ever five minutes to say "do we need this anymore?!" and brandishing various objects/items she has found in the aforesaid cupboards . I usually say - "bin it !" and then about a week later say - "where is so and so?" (I draw a veil over the resultant marital scene) However today she found a tub of the bright green paint I had used to paint my gaming board , so I was overjoyed as I had thought it was getting a bit jaded - see above .

Seeing the tub had been sat for about six years I was surprised it hadn't dried up and after a quick stir I painted the board - the one thing the photo doesn't show is it's a bit streaky ! - well as my late father used to say when regarding some painting he had done - "Hmm well perhaps it will dry okay !?" (like me he was not one of natures DIYers ) . So I  hope a) it looks better when it drys and b) it drys !!! 

Of course no decorating project can be completed without a mishap - I leaned across to try and get rid of an especially streaky bit and got paint all over my fleece jacket - I'm told Santa may be bringing me a new one for Christmas - what luck ! .



  1. He main achievement here is that your good lady did the cleaning out of the cupboards. Everything else is a bonus.

    1. That is very true , I'm in need of her draconian cleansing now and again as I'm a bit of a hoarder (that could be useful one day)

  2. Looks like you got lucky. Even getting paint on your fleece worked out well.

    1. I've given it a second coat of paint (the board - not my fleece) and it looks okay .

  3. I'm afraid I rather like the first one with a few patches of colour variation but in any case, I can't see your streaks in the the new one.

    As for hording stuff, I never do it, all that stuff tucked here and there forms a a valuable resource pool...... somethings have been known to wait for decades before their moment came, but.....

    1. I ended giving it another coat of paint . Me and my wife differ over the hoarding/resource subject - but gals don't understand wargaming !

  4. It looks great Tony! Good luck with the new fleece, Santa usually comes through in situations like this!
