Monday 10 June 2019

An early start to the week .

Been a bit of a topsy turvy weekend , the dog has been to the vets for surgery to get his anal glands removed - it's a Spaniel thing they commonly suffer from it and he's started having painful abscesses on them so the vet though it best to remove them ( I don't think he will mind me discussing his medical matters with the world in general )  . Then my order from Irregular arrived ! .

The evil eye ! 

The upshot of this saw me at 5.30am this morning in the garden spraying figures with a black undercoat . I recently sold most of my Ancients off and have re-invested the money in 40mm Irregular Turks - being the logical thing to do to match my vaguely Balkans themed armies . Please excuse the state of the garden we've been on holiday and everything has shot up whilst we were away (well mainly the weeds and grass) and I'm in the process of reclaiming the garden (but being distracted by Toy Soldiers) .

This will be my General - Omar Sharif  he's made up from bits from their Deutsche Homage series .

The basic Line Infantry, wasn't sure on the firing pose but he's growing on me . I have a lot of other figures to paint for somebody else so it may be a time before these hit the tabletop but at least I've made a start.


  1. Funny you should mention it, but I recently balkanized myself as well, picking up a solid contingent of Outpost Wargames Russo Turkish Era Romanians...our dog gives us the same look.

  2. Turks are always a delight.

    Oddly enough my soldiers have been complaining that I've been spending too much time in the garden when there are 1/2 painted Hussars on my desk and long queues behind them.

    1. The weather hasn't helped , we've had rain the last few days - so much for "flaming June"

  3. Sounds particularly painful...lets hope he recovers soon. Looking forward to seeing the Turks in action.

    1. He is recovering remarkable well , if it was me I would have been looking at a six month'sicky' .
