Saturday 3 December 2016

Wallowing in Nostalgia .

I've been looking at Featherstone's 'Close Wars' rules and wondering about them , he suggests you only need about two dozen figures a side , Hmm ! - I have a thing about Old Schools rules - you need O.S. figures for it to look right .

I was looking through some boxes of figures sorting them out for melting down and I came across these , Mini Figs Seven Years War figures , rather cute ! . The only trouble was no French or Indians .

I sat down with a cup of tea and biscuits and had a think about it ! . I like projects with a limit to them and this would only need about fifty figures of which I had about half already .

You can see how I was talking myself into this ! . Sooooooo - I sent an order off to Caliver Books who do Mini Figs now and this arrived very promptly today . So I have spent the evening cleaning the figures up (very clean castings , hardly any flash at all), I am going to base them on pennies - I have a large box full of these which many of my Napoleonic were based on and scraping the remaining base texture took most of the time .

Some of Redskins based up ready for spraying tomorrow morning . I will paint them up in a Old School style and give them a couple of coats of gloss varnish . Better photos to follow .


  1. Ah! Old friends. You know, for a minute, I thought you were going to say that you remembered your new Prince August Indians......

  2. Wonderful stuff - I look forward to see how you go with this.

    1. I know ANOTHER project ! , but one with a set limit to it and the figures are so cute , Tony

  3. For some reason I've never heard of Featherstone's "Close Wars" rules--where could I find them?

    Best regards,
    Chris Johnson

    1. The rules are in the back of his first book 'Wargames' , hardly anything to them and will give a quick fun game . Tony

    2. Good Heavens - I've had this book for about 200 years and never noticed that section before...

    3. Not a lot to them but going to give them a go, Tony

  4. I do like Minifigs............. although I have found the newer castings to be encased in thick flash, so I may have been unlucky. You seem very skilled at setting limits to projects so they can be completed.

    1. Yes I was pleased with these Mini Figs castings hardly any cleaning up , alas my success rate at limiting projects is not great - things get out of hand ! , Tony

  5. It's always exciting to see a new wargaming project take shape. While I haven't used any for a long time, there is indeed something charming about MiniFigs. Have fun.

    Best REgards,


    1. I'd forgotten I had them and was struck again by their charm , looking forward to painting them . Tony
