Friday 16 September 2016

The Wargaming Table Reclaimed ! .

I've finally got my wargaming room back in order - well as near as it ever will be and was pondering which game to play on the table now that it is not covered with boxes and rubbish . Now in the privacy of my own home I have the habit of keeping a book beside the toilet to peruse whilst enthroned - as it were - many people do the crossword or read the newspaper , 'A' has a stack of wargaming magazines in his bathroom . (I believe the above photo has the dubious honour of being a first in the world of wargaming blogging in portraying a toilet bowl - the lid down for decencies sake ) I was looking at Donald Featherstone's "Tackle Model Soldiers This Way" (published 1963) and on the front cover it has a photo of a gun and crew by the grandly named 'Swedish African Engineers ' (Spencer Smith) ACW range converted to French FPW artillery. This got me thinking that I haven't played with my O.S FPW figures for a while , so .........

I set up the terrain for a meeting engagement between two advance guard forces , each of a cavalry regiment and a light infantry unit (only on the O.S. table top does such symmetry of forces exist) . I diced for the entry points of the forces and set them up .

The French force of the Chasseurs D Africa and a unit of Chasseurs De Pied are under the command of the dashing Brigadier Gerrard .

The Prussian force of Dragoons and Jaegers is commanded by General Bratwurzte of the Uhlans .

The day being warm the French troops are lucky enough to receive a refreshing drink from their Cantinierie . Further reports of the battle and no references to the water closet to follow ..........


  1. What a wonderful sight. I absolutely love those armies, you have nailed the look perfectly. Looking forward to seeing more.
    I must get my own out for a game.

    1. They are classic figures from Spencer Smith ! , Tony

  2. What John said but with added superlatives, Tony!

    All the best, WM

    1. Thank you, they are one of my favorite collections, Tony

  3. Just love the look of your table and terrain. Perfect with your soldiers. O your hills, are they wood? And your table is it one big board or a number of boards? Lastly what shade of green did you use?

    1. The hills are MDF, the table is a couple of boards fastened to a framework making a 8'x5'table. The hills and table are painted a matt emulsion called 'grasshopper' from B&Q store, Tony

  4. Classic indeed. I always enjoy seeing these lads out.

    1. Yes nice figures and rules I can remember in my head ! - classic gaming ! ,Tony

  5. Classic Tony- Old School certainly is charming and captivating. Looking forwards to the forthcoming Battle...I must say that I do like the Gloss finish of your troops and plain bases. Regards. KEV.

  6. As always your figures look superbly old school, but sadly another wargamer has beaten you in having an entire feature on lavatories

    the rest of the blog is very good with plenty of 54mm figures and battles.

    1. Curses !!! , he has beaten me with the W.C. illustrations - the 'Magnus Opus' on the subject ! , Tony

  7. Magnificent stuff. Those OS figures are wonderful.

    1. They are one of my favorite projects - and all painted as well !!! , Tony
