Friday, 27 December 2024

The Annual Christmas game.


Wargaming colleagues 'S' and his son 'O' (who henceforth shall be know as 'S' junior) called around this morning in that time of year between Christmas and New Year when you don't know what day it is or are the shops open etc etc. They deployed their troops and I slightly re-jigged mine to counter this and we began the game . They had to capture the high ground in the centre of the board to win.

'S's Zouaves move up behind a skirmish screen (he had been reading the rules up obviously) as I bring up my Infantry to counter this.

My General was hampered by his Mistress interfering with the command structure - ie he kept loosing one of his hand of cards ever activation !

'S' and 'S' junior survey the battlefield - sporting their Christmas jumpers (luckiy not to garish)

'S' junior moves his Infantry forward using fire and movment which drove off my Artillery crew and on their rallying finished them off . I quickly try to bring up my Infantry to support my gun.

I finally get to deploy my 'Inconvinient Citizen' (in the form of a Clergyman) which stops 'S' juniors artillery from shooting by him getting in the way.

'S' in the depths of dice rolling dispair as his center unit only inches slowly forward and the Zouaves suffer heavy casualties from my Jaegers on the right hand ridge.

At this point things grew heated and I forgot to take photos - 'S' junior's Infantry having killed off my gun crew and causing my infantry to retire captured the left hand high ground . In the center'S' managed to finally get his Infantry to charge and drove the Jaegers back (they had previously been under constant Artillery fire and so had been whittled down) .

The 'S's survey the stricken field - having captured two of the three pieces of highground and with about half of my Army in retreat I conceeded the game . It was quite a close thing, I managed to drive off the Zouaves on my right and the Cavalry but my left crumbled as did my center . A great game , the rules are simple enough not to get in the way of playing the game and everyone had fun - another successful game .


  1. A great tradition. Loved how the terrain and figures looked. Outstanding!!!!

  2. Agreed! A very Wellsian affair.

    Kind Christmas Week Regards,

    Stokes (Michigan, USA)

  3. Christmas jumpers and toy soldiers... tis the season!

  4. Grand way to spend time, a good game with good friends.

  5. Yes the game went smoothly and a good time had by all,.

  6. Thank you for sharing your Christmas tradition with us Tony! It looked like a very enjoyable game and exciting too! Those darn mistresses though, they are always getting in the way!

    1. The game worked well and the yes the distracting mistress didn't help.

  7. Amazing looking game! Wow! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas 🎄 hope 2025 is great, peaceful and prosperous for all your wargaming projects. Quinn

    1. Thank you , I wish you and yours all the best in the coming New Yer .

  8. Very festive with all those Christmas trees on the table and jumpers around it. Wishing you a great year in 2025.

    1. Yes i didn't think of that , all the best for the next wargaming year .
