Sunday 27 October 2024

The Quest for the Jade Buddha (part 1)


I dice for the position of the arrival of units as they move onto the board , the Chinese got an even spread of units acrss th table on the first move.

However they drew this chance card which delayed the arrival of a unit.

The 'Dare to Die' unit dashes towards the ruined log cabin .

The Russians came onto the board mainly on the right . Note the Cossacks dashing forward towards the village still in column - risky !

Unfortunately the Russian Commander arrived on the far left miles away from his troops - this does not bode well !

Unfortunately the column of Cossacks came under fire from two units of Chinese troops and took heavy casualties .

Luckily the Chinese Commander drew a chance card that cancelled out the previous card and allowed the unit to come onto the table ..... 
Part two to follow 

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