A somewhat sinister Father Christmas with a box of rather nice Toy Soldiers. It is about this time of year I do a brief summary of last years gaming and a tentitive look at next years, this year I have been quietly slimming down my collection of figures - getting rid of the ones I haven't used for a while and don't see myself using again - and so far I don't think I have regreted getting rid of anything ! . I find I tend to use the same half dozen sets of rules (the simpler the better) and really can't be bothered to learn new ones - however promising they seem to be . I have played a LOT of Command & Colors boardgames which I enjoy using a very simple solo mechanism - these are not very photogenic so I don't bother recording them on the blog. I think I have painted less figures this year as most of my purchases have been the Wofun 2D ranges which rapidly lets you deploy ready painted armies onto the tabletop. Next year I will continue weeding out the unused figures and probably 'round off' the collections I use regularly. A positive thing is that my Wargaming Colleague 'S' and I have started to do regular Friday morning games and trying to link them together in an unofficial campaign mode and using a collection of figures and rules for several games rather than chopping and changing which allows use to get to knw the rules so they don't get in the way of the game. I do enjoy painting figures but don't see any major extentions to collections, so painting for fun rather than necessity ....... (watch this space to see how this pans out)