Sunday, 8 September 2019

A photo shoot goes very wrong .

The weather was fine (for once) , my wife had taken the dog for a walk - so I thought 'I'll take some photos of my newly painted 40mm artillery' - al fresco ! 

The gunners of the Sublime Porte were just going through their paces when Hodge appeared .

They had been sleeping peacefully on our bed when I left the house - now however Hodge wants his picture taken ! .

Unperturbed the gunners go through their drill (please excuse various weeds in these photos - my excuse is it's been wet and I don't like gardening) 

Then Hugo appeared as well so I gave up the idea of further photographs ......


  1. Lovely cats and nice toys - who cares about some weeds?

    1. At least they leave the figures alone - the dog tries to chew them .

  2. Leave it to the felines, a story I am very familiar with. Great looking figures thought.

    Best Regards,


  3. Seems a photo shoot gone right from the feline perspective. :)

  4. I like Cats - though not when your interrupted at Playing Toy Soldiers.
