Monday 14 October 2024

A load of new recruits for the Almannia Expeditionary Force (AEF)

I noticed these on eBay , they were Zinnbrigade homecasts I already have some which I painted up last year (.: Almannia Expeditionary Force (AEF) on parade. ( and wasn't sure I really needed more (of course I did) I placed a bid and rather forgot about it determinned not to get into  bidding war for them . Interestingly they were the only toy soldiers the seller had the rest being clothes, trainers and assorted junk - very odd !. And I won them ! with postage less than a pound a figure 

There are 53 of them which will make 3 units of 12 for AGM rules plus Officers and a Standard bearer and this rather smashing Band ! . They are not badly painted in a Toy Soldier style but need a few touch ups and basing and then a coat of gloss varnish which I hope to get done this week and then hopefully onto the tabletop .


Saturday 12 October 2024

A glimpse of a Golden Era of Toy Soldier production.


I came across this series of photos of the Britains factory circa late 1940's when most of their products went for export to pay for World War Two . They are from a Pathe News film which were shown in cinemas as news articles before the big picture These two ladies seem to be cleaning up castings .

Here we see a young lady painting up cavalry figures - OMG just look at that pile of figures !.

Serried ranks of metal goodness.

Another view of the painting process .

Here we see the figures being picked ready for packing into their boxes.

Just look at all those boxes of toy soldiers !!!

They are held in place in the boxes with thread .

'Changing the Guard' a  magnificent set of figures in their presentation box , worth a small fortune nowadays.

The finished product in the familiar red box. I find these photographs fascinating a glimpse of a bygone era .

Thursday 10 October 2024

Maybe answers to 'Anybody have any idea about this uniform'


In the last post I asked for ideas about the above French uniform , thanks to everyone who tried to help. Here are some of the pictures/photos I've come across over the last couple of days searching the internet .

Similar and the hat might be the same , it's of a French Zouave taken about the time of the First World War.

Again the hat is similar although the jacket is different 

Again French Zouaves during WW1 , the hat is being worn in different shapes as the individual wants.

Not a very good illustration but shows the variety of uniforms worn by the Zouave Regiments during WW1 .

A model of a WW1 Zouave . So my best guess is a member of a French Algerian Zouave Regiment about the time of the First World War 

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Anybody out there have any idea about this uniform ?

A relative sent me this picture , a friend of their's had bought an antique wooden chest and inside the lid was pasted the above photo . The box belonged to a Frenchman (see photo below) and he is standing in front of a studio backdrop to have his picture taken . He seems to be wearing a fatigue uniform and a forage cap which is similar to the short lived 'Broderick' cap worn by the British army prior to WW1 . The uniform is maybe dark blue or khaki ?and has a lanyard over the left shoulder I think ?. I cannot make out the badge on the cap I'm afraid . 

This is the plaque on the lid of the box with his name and address {?} anybody have any ideas ?


This is a photo of the keyhole plate of the box , I wonder if it could be a repurposed cap badge (it's about 30mm - 1" size) it looks similar to the badge on the cap . Looks Algerian/Morocan ? 


Sunday 6 October 2024

The Volontaires Estranger (finally).


About twelve months ago I started casting and painting a new unit for my SYW-ish collection .The Volontaires Estranger and I have finally finished painting them 

The figures are of course 40mm Prince August , a mixture of moulds to get a unit of 12 soldiers , an Officer, Trumpeter and a NCO .

I also found a semi-flat camp fire in my bits box which will do as a objective marker .

Thursday 3 October 2024

Command for Army 'Pantalon Rouge' .


When I fought my last 54mm battle using my Army 'Pantalon Rouge' I suddenly realised they didn't have a General to command them ! . So in my last casting session I cast up a semi-flat figure and converted him into a suitable General .

Monday 30 September 2024

Toy Soldiers in Art No.19


Another postcard ?) found on the Internet and not a photo of the author as a young man ! .Interesting mix of figures - Camels , Highlanders , a mix of Cavalry , Artillery pieces and a rather smart fort ! . I do like the young man's helmet . I assume turn of the century Britains figures perhaps . (click on photo to enlarge)