Tuesday 2 December 2014

Garibaldian Personalities .

Having finished off my Neapolitan and Garibaldi forces I've started doing a few command/personality bases . Here is Brigadier General Francesco Landi and Aide who commanded the Neapolitan forces at the battle of Calatafami . The figures are Irregular , the Aide on foot started out as a Artillery Officer.

This is Friar Pantaleo who was one of Garibaldi's principal officers . The figure started as a Spanish guerrilla from Parkfield miniatures , an odd little figure but he's growing on me and he matches the Irregular figures . Have started on my Papal Army and have nearly got the first unit done which will appear here in due course. 


  1. Excellent work (I read Papal Army as "Paypal Army".....too early in the morning).
