Sunday, 9 February 2025

The rejuvenated Evzones .


Well I've got the figures repaired , painted over the 'milliput' and gave the paint a slight varnish to try and match the original finish . I decided not to repaint anymore of the figures and leave scuffed paint as it is as a tribute to their past services .

The face of a veteran 

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

To repair or not to repair ? - that is the question.


I bought these off eBay (rather cheaply I think) they are Britains Greek Evzones from Set No.196 and the where produced from 1916 to 1966 - BUT these must be pre 1946 as they are red jackets - after this date they where painted in blue jackets . So that makes them at least 79 years old ! 

As you can see they have been in the wars , as well as the inevitable paint loss they have holes in the stomach area .

And a couple have holes in the back as well , I investigated and this seem to be dues to a very thin layer of metal (being hollow cast of course) 

One has a missing rifle as well . The dilemma is to repair or not ? , 'Proper Collectors' would say "No !" you devalue the figures ! , however I would like to use them on the tabletop- so I'm going to have a go at repairing them !

So I've packed the holes with tissue paper and filled them with 'milliput' , I repaired the rifle with a pared down cocktail stick coated in super glue . I will repaint the damaged bits but I think I will not touch up the original paint - leaving their battle scars as testament to their service over the years . Too be continued ...... 


Saturday, 1 February 2025

The annual pilgrimage to the local Model Railway show.


This weekend was the annual Model Railway show, I was surprised that when I turned up at lunch time I still had to queue to get in ! , it was well attended - a lot of grey haired older men . but a lot of families with small children which was nice to see.

Once again I was taken by the scenery as much as the model trains .

A herd of cows , those hedgerows look so realistic !

This layout had a film studio as a theme .

The cars in the carpark even moved about ! 

Look at that water feature ! - so realistic !

I did take the occasional photo of the actual trains as well .

The chute actually tipped gravel into the trucks .

These diesel motors remind me of our local railway as a child.

Most of the layouts had miniature lighting systems - micro technology at it's best !

Those cliffs cry out to be scaled by a team of WW2 Commandos .

Love this rural scene .

Oh dear a funeral at the local church - wonder you passed away ?

I came away feeling enthused by the positivity of the whole show , I know it isn't wargaming but it is a close cousin and I enjoy it immensely ! "a grand day out" ! 



Thursday, 30 January 2025

Yanitza 'La Jeanne D'Arc' of the Balkans.


I was browsing the Internet for Balkans war things and can across some illustrations of "Le Petit Journal" a French magazine which covered various stories on the war. I saw the above copy and thought  " I've got to make a model of this heroine"! 

I ordered some bits and pieces from Irregular's 40mm Homage range and produced the above figure as close as possible to the illustration in the magazine . The body is cantiniere , the head a nurse (I think?) and a rifle and sword . Here she is seen with of  her bodyguard in traditional dress, hopefully she will be appearing on the tabletop soon .......

PS Tringe Smajli - Wikipedia a bit more info on this woman .

Monday, 27 January 2025

The German Naval Attache - Redux.

Well I've got the German Naval Attache repainted and varnished after his brush with 'lead rot' .: The German Naval Attache goes down with 'lead rot' . and here he is being shown the new Sublime Porte's Machine Gun in a demonstration of it's firepower . If anything I think he looks better than he did before and I hope I've got the rot beaten once and for all .


Thursday, 23 January 2025

A wet day task .


Well I got the dog out early and just got back as the rain started - neither the dog or me are keen of the rain. These figures have been awaiting a varnish and I have bought a new tin , sadly not my usual brand - this one smells funny and takes ages to dry ! . The 54mm Zouaves are some I bought from eBay, three of which are quite old and I have decided only to based them and  not to repaint them . There is the German Naval Attache and another converted figure which I will tell of later ...... 

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Toy Soldiers in art No. 23


"'you'll have someone's eye out with that !". Found on the internet - the authour looks on as the younger generation open fire at point blank range - Ah ! the joys of playing unsupervised with real gunpowder and deadly projectiles  ! (back to my fortcoming battle report soon) (click on photo to enlarge)